Saturday, December 5, 2015

My Daughter at Three

My daughter and wife are doing school assignment. I am surprised to see my daughter now learning to write down letters as her mother dictates her so. Just 5 months ago, we have a hard time teaching her to recognize alphabet letters. But now is very different, at the age of 3, she now can write even in air the letter shapes and most importantly write them down.

Monitoring such development of our child is really one of the most precious moment being a parent. I did not personally teach her the skills, only my wife and my mother in law patiently went to school to fetch her. The school did the most impact on her development and acquiring such skill.

This is one of the reason I refuse to become OFW. Because if I was not here with my wife and daughter, I would be crying lots not witnessing our daughters development. She would not feel my hugged after she wrote down one word, as display of my joy for her success. The nightly ritual of giving her special gift everytime she made high grades in the school will for sure matter to her. And most importantly, the discipline I as a father can instill to my child early in her development will for sure have a long term impact( I need to display myself consistenly as an authority). I dont want to sound righteous but based on my observation, having no father or mother in a child development has negative impact in most cases.

I remember that having a parent with me guiding me in school and disciplining me, really matters in my development. The simple smile I am able to brought to my mother and father after giving my grades with honorable mention noted in it really is fullfilling to me as a child. That invigorates me further. My father is not showy on appreaciating my achievement but I can sense how proud he was to me as a child by how he tells my achievement to his friends while I listen subtly. I would like to infuse the same feeling to my daughter as early as now.

Facebook post will not transcend to her of how proud I am. She needs a hug, a smile from me, a lift in my shoulder and a fairy story to further enhance her imagination. As Einstein wrote ,  'If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.'

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